go paperless, go digitize
As Earth Day approaches, it’s important to reflect on our businesses’ impact on the planet. At Web Services Pros, we recognize that small changes can have a big impact when it comes to protecting the environment and we strive to offer solutions that help businesses reduce their environmental footprint through our cloud-based platform, PromoLink.

One of the ways we do this is...

by encouraging businesses to go paperless. By eliminating paper-based processes, businesses can save trees, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and conserve water. In fact, the Environmental Paper Network estimates that the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper per year. By switching to electronic documents, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental impact. But going paperless is just one piece of the puzzle.
The promotional products industry has historically been heavily reliant on paper-based processes, from order forms to invoices, shipping labels, and other aspects of the business. But with the integration and automation solutions offered by PromoLink, we can help businesses reduce their paper usage and improve their sustainability.

We’re proud to work with suppliers, decorators, distributors, and other players in the promo industry who share our commitment to sustainability. By partnering with businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices, we can help reduce the promo industry’s overall environmental impact.


Robert Guler, President of Web Services Pros

But our impact doesn't stop there

By offering solutions that help businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency, we’re also helping to reduce the carbon footprint of the entire supply chain. By automating tasks that were previously done manually and integrating various platforms that minimize paperwork, we’re able to reduce energy consumption and minimize waste throughout the production and distribution process. These automated and integrated systems help businesses become more environmentally conscious by eliminating the need for paper purchasing, printing, and filing.
We believe that businesses are responsible for being good stewards of the environment. By prioritizing sustainability in everything we do, we hope to inspire other businesses to do the same. 

Together, let's create a positive difference for our planet this Earth Day and beyond!

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Shipping Carriers
(UPS, FeDex, USPS)1

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Tax Management  (TaxJar)1

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