
Need to Streamline Customer Order Management?

Automating order processing with Customers, Suppliers, and Distributors has never been easier!


There are many common challenges our B2B customers who use outdated platforms face every day:

  • Late Delivery

In the B2C world, late delivery annoys clients. A few dollars worth of coupons may frequently save a relationship and turn a disgruntled customer into a devoted customer. In B2B, the stakes are bigger. Chargebacks or contract cancellations can occur if you fail to meet your order promises. For B2B businesses, the loss of one customer can be catastrophic.

  • Human Errors

The probability of making numerous errors when business activities are manually carried out is very high. However, to help you avoid the occurrence of human errors, the presence of advanced technology can make it possible for you to automatically operate without any errors.

  • Loss of Revenue

In circumstances where there are many orders from the customers to the decorator, and the decorator needs to deliver to all customers within a specific period of time, because the decorator manually processes the orders, it results in a decorator having to decline some orders as they do not have time to enter all these orders and meet the deadlines.

  • Ruined Reputation

You accept the orders but are unable to make the deadlines due to the manual internal system, which disappoints the client (distributor) and reflects negatively on your company’s reputation.

  • High Labor Cost  

There is a high cost involved in hiring someone to operate your business activities, and with this high cost, the person is bound to even make mistakes that will even cost more harm and extra expenses to your business.

  • Inability to Scale 

Automating the purchase, receipt, issue, and return of all inventory items improves inventory accuracy. Without this visibility, you’ll lose orders or miss order delivery dates, resulting in chargebacks and penalties. The most efficient organizations can observe both on-hand and in-transit inventory across all locations. This allows you to allocate more inventory to each order.


Although each company’s order processing systems are unique to its business and client needs, all organizations strive for maximum accuracy, cost-effectiveness as well as high productivity.

Here are the top pointers of using PROMOLINK which helps you optimize order processing and achieve your organizational goals.

  • Streamline and Digitalize Processes

Digitization doesn’t mean lessening your team’s workload; it means freeing them up to focus on what they do best. Instead of wasting time and resources on tasks that have little impact on your company’s bottom line, your team can focus on new solutions that add actual value by digitalizing your business processes.

Businesses perform better when everything is in sync. Keep an eye on workflows to see where improvements might be made.

  • Receive and Process Orders Automatically 

Automation can help organizations save money and time, as well as make life easier for employees and improve the consumer experience. Using automation, shipping functions and order fulfillment procedures can be improved. Automation reduces the possibility of human error, thereby ensuring consistency, process adherence, compliance, and increased security by eliminating errors that lead to misconfigured systems in organizations.

  • Communicate with Clients and Vendors Electronically

In order processing, communicating and analyzing client satisfaction is critical. Notifying consumers that their purchases are being processed gives them a feeling of control and involvement.

  • Increase Accuracy and Reduce Cost

In today’s business environment, players such as suppliers, distributors, and decorators are all required to streamline processes accurately while reducing costs to meet the exact business models.

  • Establish a Redundant, Scalable Business Model

Secured systems that prevent data loss of your business. The system is established based on your needs and requirements, making it flexible for your specific business problems to be solved.


Having an excellent product no longer guarantees loyal customers. Of course, it helps, but order processing workflows can make or break a company in today’s fast-paced commerce environment. Order management solutions like PromoLik can automate order processing, better manage inventories, and send order statuses electronically and automatically via APIs. More orders mean more business, cheaper labor expenses, and fewer human errors mean more profit, this is the way forward for businesses in the future. Also, your order management system should be integrated with inventory management software to guarantee you have enough stock and that orders match purchases.

Order processing is vital to order fulfillment… It refers to the warehouse workflow that ensures customer orders are correctly prepared and delivered. While manual procedures can be improved, today’s technology makes it easier and more economical for businesses of all sizes to implement. Also, accuracy and reliability improve client satisfaction, which leads to greater sales, hence maximization of profits for your business.

Are you still processing your orders manually? 

B2B companies encounter numerous order processing challenges, but there are solutions available. We can discuss these issues if you identify with any of them.

Now is the time to act!

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